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Robert Alcazane

Firma: Alcazane
Name: Herr Robert Alcazane
Adresse:Hedwigstr. 5
80636 München

Mobil:0170 74 71 038

Facebook: Facebookseite besuchen
Homepage: http://www.alcazane.de
Blog: https://newageshop.com.hk

Standplatz: Bazar B3
Standnummer: Standnummer 247 - Tarot- und Handlesekunst
Branche: Esoterik / Wahrsagen / Energetische Accessoires

Kurzbeschreibung der eigenen Firma/Tätigkeit: Reportage vom Tollwood Festival siehe hier:

Reportage Hongkong siehe hier: https://www.newageshop.com.hk

Alcazane has been a highly spiritual being since birth.
He offers a fusion of palm reading, tarot card reading, and channeling. Palm reading functions as a basis, to which he adds the tarot cards. They function as kind of a magnifying glass, as they allow him to zoom into the matter, revealing details and more specific answers to the questions. Channeling is part of Alcazane’s nature. It happens naturally and as he provides guidance during his consultations. The Austrian psychic does not only answer his clients’ questions, but helps his clients to find and follow their path in life.

Mr. Robert Alcazane works in Hong Kong, Vienna, and Munich.

Motto bzw. Leitsatz: Fix ist die Veränderung, mach halt mit!

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